sous vide

Photo via Amazon

Save over $50 on this sous vide precision cooker, today only

Fake your way to being a five star chef this holiday season.


Marisa Losciale


Thanksgiving is four days away, which means your fridge is probably stacked to the brim and covered in Post-its that read “DO NOT TOUCH.” And if it’s not, well, you’re either running behind or hosting a different holiday this season. Either way, this sous vide will save your busy behind.

The Anova sous vide is a top of the line precision cooker. This culinary tool allows you to create five star restaurant quality meals in the comfort of your own home. (even if you’ve never taken a cooking class in your life). It’s pretty much a magic wand for wannabe chefs and passionate homemakers. The sous vide heats and circulates water in a pot at the ideal temperature for whatever you’re cooking. So you’ll achieve evenly cooked meals, without the fear of over or undercooking half a brisket.

Plus, the Anova sous vide is Bluetooth and WiFi compatible. Instead of just heating and circulating water like any other sous vide, the Anova precision cooker comes complete with a culinary app to guide you through your experience. So whether you’re looking for the best cooking method, a new recipe or just need an extra set of eyes on your stove, the Anova sous vide does it all.

sous vide
Photo via Amazon

Best of all, it’s on sale today through Amazon. Usually $150.00, you can grab this chef’s secret for just under $95. That’s over $50 0ff! So if you’re a Prime member and you order it today, you’ll have it by Thanksgiving–which means you’ll be serving up a perfectly primed feast.

Buy it here


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