White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told CNN that she thinks House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi needs to smile more.

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Sarah Sanders says Nancy Pelosi needs to smile more

Her remarks weren’t met well by people online.


Andrew Wyrich


White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders thinks House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi should smile more.

Sanders, speaking with CNN, was asked about Pelosi’s reaction to President Donald Trump‘s State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

When pressed by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo about how he had “never seen” the expression the House minority leader had on her face during Trump’s speech, Sanders gave her advice to the Democratic lawmaker: smile more often.

“I’m going to be a little bit in disagreement with you. I think Nancy Pelosi looks like that all the time,” Sanders said. “I think she should smile a lot more often, I think the country would be better for it.”

Sanders continued:

“She seems to kind of embody the bitterness that belongs in the Democrat party right now.”

Sanders’ remarks were quickly condemned for echoing sexist sentiments. It was quickly mocked.


Pelosi was not the only Democrat who had strong reactions to Trump’s State of the Union.

The Daily Dot