
Sikeston Department Of Public Safety/Facebook Frankie Clayton / Facebook

A Missouri officer resigned after his Islamophobic Facebook posts surfaced

‘I get to choose whom I dislike, and it just so happens to be all Muslims and their beliefs.’


Samira Sadeque


A Missouri public safety officer reportedly resigned on Friday after he was exposed for writing a slew of Islamophobic Facebook posts, according to the Southeast Missourian.

Officer Frankie Adams of Sikeston, Missouri, reportedly called for all American Muslims to be deported and threatened to put a Muslim person on a government watch list because they disagreed with one another.

“I get to choose whom I dislike, and it just so happens to be all Muslims and their beliefs,” he wrote in one of the numerous posts, according to the Missourian

He also referred to Islam as a “filthy religion.”

The Sikeston Department of Public Safety released a statement on Facebook on Sept. 12, stating it put an unnamed employee on administrative leave, pending an investigation over an alleged inflammatory social media post they had written.

“This morning I received a complaint from a citizen in reference to a social media post made by one of our employees,” The department’s chief, J. McMillen, wrote in the statement. “This citizen had concerns about the employee’s alleged inflammatory statements on Facebook and him being employed with the city.”

McMillen wrote that he had “limitations” on how much he could divulge publicly about the issue but that the department would “do the right thing.” 

On Friday, McMillen shared another statement, announcing that the officer in question had resigned from duty, effective Friday morning. 

“We have a professional department with the highest of standards,” he wrote in the statement, per the Missourian. “We will continue to demand excellence in our officers and we urge citizens to make us aware of any issues.” 

While many on Facebook applauded the resignation, others made more Islamophobic comments in support of the officer. One user warned of “another 9/11” and another called Muslims “ragheads” while mentioning her husband’s experience serving in Afghanistan.

Adams is operating his Facebook account under the pseudonym Frankie Clayton, as confirmed by the Missourian. Adams, using the Facebook account, has also posted homophobic, sexist, and anti-immigrant posts. 

In August, he shared a photo that reads, “All women are bi: it’s your job to guess if it’s sexual or polar.”

In another post, he shared a photo of the Quran sandwiched between a bottle of liquor and a packet of bacon, which are food items considered a sin for Muslims. “What a way to start the morning!” he wrote. 

He also shared the NY Post cover of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) comments about 9/11 that went viral in April after she was quoted out of context. Omar said she received a large number of death threats following President Donald Trump’s tweet on the matter.  

In a post from February of 2015, he shared a photo, which reads, “We’re losing our beloved America to these goat humpers. Stop being afraid of being called a racist and grow a pair and act like Americans.”


H/T Southeast Missourian

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