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@og__herbo/Twitter Remix by Jason Reed

Twitter absolutely destroys homophobe for claiming ‘LGBT s**t’ is forced into his life

It’s 2017 and straight people still can’t handle ‘LGBT s**t.’


Ana Valens


Some opinions are best left off the internet—because the internet will come for you and rip you to shreds. One Boston man’s homophobic tweet has since gone viral after he ranted about the possibility of an LGBTQ Disney princess.

Controversy first began after Twitter user El Debarge quoted an article from Seventeen referencing Moana directors Ron Clements and John Musker. In the article, Clements and Musker suggested that Disney could introduce a queer princess if the right director and team were in place. Apparently, this was way too much for El Debarge, who went on to complain about the idea in a tweet at 11pm on Tuesday, Dec. 19.

“In no way am i homophobic, but i really think y’all are trying to force this LGBT shit in everybody lifestyle,” he originally wrote. And in a series of follow-up tweets, he doubled down on the point, arguing that queer representation is going to make children gay.

“All the people offended are gay or lesbian because they see ‘lgbtq & forced,’ i’m saying they so called spreading ‘awareness’ as if we don’t know people are gay,” he said. “I’m just saying we don’t need to expose it to children at a young age because people gone be all ‘tv made my child gay’… but that’s all i’m saying.”

Of course, his tweet wasn’t received well, to say the least. Queer Twitter users quickly responded, pointing out that no one is forcing “LGBT s**t” down anyone’s throat. Instead, queer representation is about making LGBTQ people feel heard, visible, and represented in their everyday lives. Without that, queer kids grow up feeling like their stories don’t matter and that their sexualities and gender identities are weird. Studies have shown that things like positive transgender representation in media changes peoples’ minds on issues like trans rights, which builds support for the LGBTQ community.

In fact, more often than not, queer people are the ones that have to sit through movie after movie that focus solely on straight people.

Like, seriously, what was up with Bee Movie?

Even worse, if queer people share their stories, straight people can’t handle it.

While people like El Debarge may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of LGBTQ rights, similar opinions drive conversion therapy camps, anti-transgender bathroom bills, and sex education courses that focus solely on straight people. That’s one of the reasons why queer representation matters in media: it humanizes LGBTQ peoples’ experiences and shares their stories.

So the next time you feel the need to start a sentence with “In no way am I homophobic, but,” just don’t. Unless you’re prepared for the Twitter smackdown of your life, that is.

Maybe it’s time to turn everyone gay.

The Daily Dot