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Blemi “Karen”/Twitter

Woman slammed for trying to put UPS driver on blast

The woman posted a video of the UPS driver on Twitter.


Nashwa Bawab


A Twitter user is receiving backlash for complaining about a United Parcel Service (UPS) driver after her Twitter account was found to be filled with customer complaints. 

The user, Blemi “Karen,” posted a video of a UPS delivery driver who was supposed to pick up packages from her home but is instead seen on camera barely knocking before walking away. 

“UPS I waited all day for you to pickup two boxes. This is what your driver did,” she tweeted, tagging UPS.


The user is now on the receiving end of jokes online after others began pointing out that her entire account is dedicated to replying to companies her complaints about their services. 

“If ‘Let me speak to your manager’ was a Twitter account,” Twitter user @OhOkTash joked.


In one tweet, she complains about slow service at Burger King, saying, “a 25 minute wait in the drive thru is NOT ‘fast food.’”


In another Tweet to AMC Theaters, she complains about the sorry state of the bathroom, attaching pictures for emphasis.


While many made jokes, some pointed out the already hard conditions that many UPS drivers are forced to work under, with one saying, “Imagine delivering 300 packages and knocking waiting for everyone to come to the door. If a driver waits 5 mins for 200 stops that’s over 16 hours a day – don’t forget that this is a high stress job where you have to DRIVE. These men and women have a family to get home to.”


Users receiving backlash for complaining about delivery drivers isn’t a new phenomenon on Twitter. In September, Lizzo was caught in a controversy over her tweet falsely claiming that a Postmates courier had stolen her food, which she later deleted and apologized for. 

Although most might be embarrassed by their tweet going viral as meme fodder, Blemi “Karen” doesn’t seem bothered by it. In another Tweet updating her followers, she said UPS contacted her and arranged for her packages to be picked up the following day. 

She also said she’s going shopping tomorrow to which one of her followers said, “Good luck!!! Or for the sake of this amazing Twitter account, bad luck!!!”


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