woman parked sideways blocking gas pump with caption 'what video deserves to go viral?'


‘The position of her car says everything’: Karen seemingly creates traffic jam after cutting TikToker off at gas station

‘She just swooped in on you’


Cecilia Lenzen


Viral TikTok footage shows a woman, dubbed a Karen, seemingly cutting off a man at a gas station in order to use a gas pump first.

The man, known as Baby jvice (@babyjvice) on TikTok, recorded footage of the incident and shared it on the platform. The video received about 500,000 views as of Monday.

@babyjvice #answer to @thesecondamendment #fyp ♬ original sound – Baby jvice

In the video, it appears that the TikToker had begun pulling up to the gas pump when the Karen drove in front of him at an angle with the back of her car close enough to the pump to fuel her car.

“That’s funny as hell,” the TikToker said in the video. Addressing the Karen with his car window rolled down, he asked, “So that’s what you chose to do today?”

“No. It’s not. It’s what you chose to do today,” the Karen snapped back at him as she began fueling her car.

The man then stepped out of his car to record the scene, showing the other gas pumps and people fueling their cars. The Karen’s crookedly parked car seemed to cause a minor traffic jam.

The man told a bystander who seemed curious that the Karen “swooped up” on him—cutting him off—but the Karen wasn’t having that.

“Oh my gosh, are you kidding me?” the Karen said, sounding annoyed. “I swooped up on you? Are you kidding me?”

The man pointed out that his car was clearly pulled up to the pump, which the Karen brushed off with a “whatever.” The two continued arguing, and the bystander poked verbal jabs at the Karen, calling her “crazy.” The Karen seemed unfazed as she pumped her gas.

TikTok viewers said she her behavior, plus her appearance, were typical of a Karen.

“The haircut should’ve told you everything you needed to know from the jump,” one viewer commented on the video.

Another viewer commented, “She knows she wrong the position of her cars says everything.”

“She got the Karen hair style starter pack,” one TikToker said.

Several viewers praised the TikToker’s calm behavior, saying they would have been much more upset. The man could be heard laughing and seemed chill about the matter.

“im glad you maintained your KING STATUS,” one viewer said.

“She’s lucky that guy is nice cause nowadays people get hurt for less than what she did so she’s very lucky,” someone else said of the Karen.

Several viewers said they would have cut off the woman’s pump or pushed the cancel button whenever she tried to start. In a second TikTok video shared by the man, the Karen can be seen offering to pay for the man’s gas.

@babyjvice Y’all she redeemed herself #fyp #karen #karensgoingwild #karensoftiktok #babyjvice ♬ original sound – Baby jvice

“I’d like to pay for your gas. How much do you want?” the Karen asked the man. The video cut off before the man answered.

Several viewers claimed the Karen only offered to pay for his gas because she “knows how the internet works” and “didn’t want to lose her job.”

The Daily Dot reached out to the creator via TikTok comment.

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