Woman writes note for 'Karen' who tattled on the building's pets.


‘As you should’: TikToker exposes neighbor who ‘Karen’d her a** off’ by telling apartment management about pets

Her note sparked an ongoing feud with the Karen.


Gisselle Hernandez


On Jan. 10, TikTok user @just.4.joy posted a video “exposing” her neighbor who told the apartment complex’s management about the other neighbors’ pets, costing tenants $150 each.

@just.4.joy Bruh, I GOT FINED TOO! #itwasntme #karen #badneighbors #fyp ♬ Oh No – Kreepa

As per TikTok’s tradition with viral videos, the situation has now turned into a multi-part series with thousands of users following along. Since then, the TikToker has made seven videos on the neighbor she dubbed “Karen,” with the latest installment posted on Jan. 24. 

The initial viral video currently has 5.2 million views and shows @just.4.joy writing a strongly-worded message on paper with a bright red marker. “When your neighbor Karen’d her a$$ off and gets everyone fined $150 but the neighbors think it was you,” the video’s overlay text reads. She then writes, “If you are looking for the Karen who called your pets in she’s in 109” on the piece of paper. In the message, the word “lady” is scribbled out and replaced with “Karen.” @just.4.joy punctuated her note with a glaring red arrow pointing to the right before sticking it on her own front door. 

Many commenters rallied behind the TikToker in taking a straightforward approach to clear their name. 

“You did the lords work,” the top comment reads. “As you should,” another wrote. 

The TikToker said the “Karen” has six pets of her own.

In Body Image

While users expressed their satisfaction in seeing a “Karen” put in her place, most voiced their concerns on apartments’ pet policies. 

Charging people an excessive pet rent when rents are already astronomical is what’s wrong with society. Just saying,” one commented.

A slew of other comments voiced similar opinions, sharing their sympathies. Then @just.4.joy posted an update the following day and all comments revolved around the “Karen.” 

The video’s caption read “Story Time Soon…SOMEONE TOOK MY SIGN DOWN” and this time, the TikToker wrote another sign with a red sharpie. “She also called on someone ‘praying too loud,’” she writes before taping it to her door. This would be one of several follow-up videos she would make on what seems to have turned into a full-blown feud. 

The other videos show a compilation of two weeks of back and forth between the TikToker and “Karen.” From text messages sent by “Karen” accusing the TikToker of getting her car towed to writing messages in the snow, the latest video shows the neighbor writing a message of her own and sticking it to her window. The paper contains a single word, “Bitch,” and an arrow presumably pointing to the TikToker’s apartment.

@just.4.joy I can’t say I’m surprised she wrote back, but uhh.. #Karen, if you’re reading this.. can we keep the shenanigans indoors (on doors) please? It’s -11 outside and people won’t be outside to see your artwork! #smh #CloseYourRings ♬ Just the Two of Us – Grover Washington, Jr.

While @just.4.joy’s pet fee was eventually waived, she indicated she’d continue fueling the feud. 

Needless to say, commenters keep asking for updates. “I am totally living for this drama!!!” one writes. “I love wars with Karens.” 

The Daily Dot reached out to @just.4.joy via TikTok comment. 

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