Cash in on a coding career with this immersive developer bootcamp

Here’s your path towards flexible work hours, fascinating projects, and better pay.

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The Daily Dot Bazaar

web developer

It seems like there’s no end to the boom that’s happening in tech. In fact, careers in technology are steadily growing, and developers hold some of the most lucrative positions in the field. Get in on the wave with this Interactive Web Developer Bootcamp.

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This bootcamp is as robust as it gets, combining HD training videos with a curated list of the best online resources. It will help perfect your skills in the all the tools and techniques any accredited developer needs to know. The bootcamp will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and more.

You’ll start off building your own blogging platform, then learn the common syntax for web languages like HTML5 and CSS3. At the end of the course, you’ll create an end-to-end project using everything you’ve learned.

Develop essential front and back-end development skills: The Interactive Web Developer Bootcamp is available for $29 from the Daily Dot Store today.


Buy it here


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