Hillary Clinton with microphone

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Hillary Clinton’s next book will dive into misogyny and the 2016 presidential election

‘It is fair to say that certainly misogyny played a role [in the election outcome].’


Samantha Grasso


In her first public interview since the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton revealed she’ll be writing a book on the election, and more specifically, the role misogyny played in her loss.

Speaking at the Women in the World Summit in New York, Clinton told New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof that she’s thought about the topic more than once (to no one’s surprise) but is still trying to understand the specific reasons why herself, the Huffington Post reported:

“It is fair to say that certainly misogyny played a role. That just has to be admitted. What the underlying reasons were, I’m trying to parse out myself. There is a constant struggle in a time of rapid change, like one we are living through, between something that is different, that may hold out even possible positive consequences, and something that is familiar and really is first and foremost about security of what you have right now. In this election, there was a very real struggle between what is viewed as change that is welcomed and exciting to so many Americans and change which is worrisome and threatening to so many others.”

She also plans to write about other interferences, such as Wikileaks, Russia‘s involvement, and FBI Director James Comey‘s investigation announcement just a week before Election Day, to give “as clear and as credible and explanation of these factors” and their roles in her campaign.

While Clinton expressed her continued passion in expanding the rights and opportunities for girls and women, she made it clear that she won’t be running for office again, according to Vanity Fair.

“I’m really focused on just doing some things that I think I can help make a difference with, like supporting young people and getting more women into politics,” Clinton said. “And I very much want to help Democrats take back the Congress… I don’t think [my future plans] will ever include running for office again.”

While we wait for Clinton’s book, her daughter’s upcoming children’s book on persistent women can keep us busy in the meantime.

H/T Jezebel

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