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Woman kicked out of event after protesting Harvey Weinstein’s presence (updated)

Weinstein was somehow invited to the event. His presence drew mixed reactions from attendees.


Tiffanie Drayton


A comedian recounted the angering moments leading up to a tension-filled encounter with Harvey Weinstein at a New York City bar in a tweet thread, shaming the venue for hosting him and some in attendance who she says were clearly supportive of the disgraced Hollywood executive.

Amber Rollo’s thread began with a sexual assault trigger warning and explained why she was outraged by seeing Weinstein, who is accused of sexually assaulting dozens of actresses, at an event for actors.

“***TW Sexual Assault*** Hey everyone. You might have seen my tweet about cursing out Harvey Weinstein last night. As a rape survivor I’m so furious and sad and frustrated. Here is a thread about what happened,” Rollo wrote.

Rollo said she was shocked to see him at the event “but not because I thought he would have shame, he is a sociopath and clearly has no shame. I’m shocked because he was invited to an event put on by and for artists.”

Apparently, a bar in New York City hosted an event called Actor’s Hour, organized by a woman named Alexandra Laliberte. Laliberte allegedly invited Weinstein to the event and that’s where it all went downhill.

Rollo was especially outraged by what appeared to be support for Weinstein in the face of criticism.

“Not only was he invited he was supported. My friend and bad ass comedian @bellykachman was performing on the show and when she went after “Freddy Krueger” SHE was booed and told to shut up,” Rollo continued.

At some point, another woman was thrown out of the venue for getting upset about Weinstein’s presence.

“She was shouting and crying and seemed to be the only sane person there. SHE was kicked out. What the actual fuck?!” Rollo questioned.

Then Rollo herself verbally accosted Weinstein, calling him a “monster” and telling him “to disappear,” and someone in his entourage called her a “cunt” in response. Rollo claims she responded with poise but urged people not to patronize Downtime Bar or Actors Hour.

“I restrained myself, now that I’m sober I no longer throw drinks or fists. There was a woman at the table with him who gently guided me out. I don’t know who she is but I hope she is ok. Please do not support Downtime Bar or Actors Hour, the position they put us in is horrifying,” Rollo wrote.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Amber Rollo and Downtime Bar.

Update 1:13pm CT, Oct. 25: Downtime Bar made a statement on its Instagram Story on Thursday, addressing the incident at the venue and referring to the woman who was kicked out for yelling at Harvey Weinstein as a “heckler.”

“A company called @actorshour rented our bar for a private event, with a guest list all their own,” Downtime’s statement said. “Shortly into the evening, one guest began heckling another, causing a disturbance to everyone in attendance. After several requests to stop were ignored, we kindly asked the heckler to leave.”

Downtime’s statement also said the bar wants to “ensure all guests are treated equally, with the same service and respect.”

“In keeping with this goal, we made a decision that would allow the evening to continue as planned,” the statement said.


The Daily Dot