Hillary Clinton sealed her spot in the history books on Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention as she became the first woman to accept a major party’s presidential nomination.
Women all over the world took to Twitter and made their voices heard to commend the historic occasion. Tweets commending Clinton ranged from funny to insightful to downright heartbreaking.
We gathered some of the best ones here:
The introspective:
Let's be real here. I wrote part of this story on Clinton's nomination in the NY Times pumping room. https://t.co/vyS1jzqrIZ
— Jodi Kantor (@jodikantor) July 29, 2016
When your daughter draws this while watching her speech. #ImWithHer pic.twitter.com/WNNVMCLbH0
— Adam Jacob (@adamhjk) July 29, 2016
As a single mother I say "It takes a village" probably every other day. #imwithher
— Rachel Sklar (she/her) (@rachelsklar) July 29, 2016
"Your cause is our cause." Perfect. #ImWithHer @HillaryClinton
— Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) July 29, 2016
My pops has been a registered republican since 1963. He is 71 and a newly registered democrat. ❤️ #ImWithHer pic.twitter.com/Elt51zG11x
— beaugarrett (@beaujgarrett) July 29, 2016
I've lost followers tweeting about @HillaryClinton tonight. And that's fine with me. #ImWithHer
— Holly Rosen Fink (@hollyrosenfink) July 29, 2016
I let my daughter stay up late to watch @HillaryClinton prove that girls can and will run the world. #ImWithHer pic.twitter.com/uhwisLfXqy
— Megan Fishmann (@mfishmann) July 29, 2016
The lighthearted:
Me every two seconds right now. #imwithher pic.twitter.com/dov2SGwyJ7
— Louise Knott Ahern (@weezwrites) July 29, 2016
Yes, #HilaryClinton is as exciting as a high school principal. But, I trusted my high school principal & I TRUST HER. #ImWithHer
— monicemitchellsimms (@monicemitchell) July 29, 2016
The only way this speech could be more inspiring for women is if Hillary Clinton ends it by busting a ghost.
— Sam Rullo (@SamRullo) July 29, 2016
Hillary is giving the speech of her life and there are dudes whining that she isn't smiling enough. pic.twitter.com/ZlooNkAR2Q
— DC Women Kicking Ass (@dcwomenkicknass) July 29, 2016
A woman is more than clothing, and Hillary is one of the most brilliant, accomplished women in the world.
— Emmy Bengtson (@EmmyA2) July 29, 2016
But that white pantsuit is fire.
Floating away on a cloud tonight. Thank you, Hillary Clinton. #ImWithHer #DemsInPhilly pic.twitter.com/DvMvXHgckN
— Olivia Truffaut-Wong (@iWatchiAm) July 29, 2016
The insightful:
I have a dream: that all the news networks turn the reactions to Clinton's speech over to women reporters and analysts tonight.
— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) July 28, 2016
Hillary Clinton in white, like a suffragist, like a suffragette — #IAmAFeminist because of you.
— Kara Calavera (@KaraCalavera) July 29, 2016
Kind of amazing that we're watching a female presidential nominee argue that her male opponent is too hysterical & emotionally volatile.
— kelly (@kelly_erin) July 29, 2016
The phrase "women's rights are human rights" isn't radical now like it was in 1995. Wanna know why?
— Emmy Bengtson (@EmmyA2) July 29, 2016
Because Hillary said it in 1995.
just imagined a bunch of little boys across our nation watching a woman give this speech tonight and i exhaled #DemsInPhilly
— Sara Schaefer (@saraschaefer1) July 29, 2016
A 14 year old abandoned housemaid grew up to raise the first female nominee for president. Read that again.
— Taylor Trudon (@taylortrudon) July 29, 2016