gift ideas


Gift ideas so good you’ll beg loved ones to buy them for you

It’s better to receive than it is to give these gift ideas.


Jaime Carrillo


Don’t let Christmas movies tell you otherwise: presents are the most important part of the season. When it comes to the holidays, it’s everyone for themselves. Yeah sure, generosity is all fine and good. But if you’re not looking out for number one at a time when everyone is dropping dough on big-ticket items, you might as well throw in the towel now. The only thing worse than coal in your stocking is a big rubber stamp on your forehead reading “Chump.”

Enter: these amazing gift ideas. It’s only natural when we’re online shopping for friends and family to stumble upon something and cry, “OMG I WANT THAT” to no one in particular. Don’t push down your desire for these gift ideas: share them with the world. Surely, you’ve read The Secret. Tell the universe you want these dreamy gift ideas and you might just wake up to a few pristinely wrapped boxes on December 25.

Christmas gift ideas for eager beggers

Did an acquaintance, partner, loved one, or estranged friend tag you on social media or provide you with a link to these gift ideas? It’s likely because they know you’re loaded, and more than likely generous. Below is a selection of the most desirable gift ideas 2018 has to offer. They’ve been grouped according to different categories that will cover whoever you’re buying for.

Gifts for women

1) Polaroid Snap Instant Digital Camera

gift ideas

Gifts for women are pink all too often. This one isn’t! Everything old is new again and unlike A Christmas Story, way better than you remember. This camera lets anyone snap instant memories with the click of a button. With a 10 megapixel lens, every photo taken will make Instagram equivalents taken with your phone look like trash. And if you want to go digital, no worries: there’s room for a 32 GB micro SD card so photos can easily be uploaded to social media.

Price on Amazon: $83.21


2) Tushy Classic Bidet

Christmas gift ideas

Bidets are great gifts for women, but they’re also great for anyone with a butt. There’s a reason a good chunk of the world uses bidets: they feel amazing. Washing up with one every time you visit the toilet makes you feel like some regal aristocrat. Bidets are one of the greenest things you can do for your bathroom since you won’t be using nearly as much toilet paper. It installs in 10 minutes and is by far one of the fanciest things you can do for your booty hole.

Price on Amazon: $79


3) Nutri Ninja Personal Countertop Blender

unique gifts

Among the coolest gifts for women are the latest kitchen gadgets. Sure, Vitamix blenders are great, but who can afford one? The Nutri Ninja blender comes close, pulverizing anything you put in one into silky-smooth purees. I mean anything. Veggies like kale, beets, and carrots? Sure. Fruits like apples and pears, seeds and all? Blitz away. Ice turns into fluffy snow so quick it won’t know what hit it. This set comes with a big carafe and three different sized cups that you can use to blend in directly.

Price on Amazon: $159


Gifts for men

4) CAP Barbell 40-Pound Dumbbell Set


Just about every dude out there is currently obsessed with making “gainz.” Among the gifts for men available this year, these are great for anyone looking to get a jump start on New Year’s resolutions. It comes with two dumbbell bars, four two and a half pound plates, and four five pound plates that won’t rust, no matter what. Every piece stores in a handy carrying case for gainz on the go!

Price on Amazon: $62.39


5) Landmann Smoky Mountain Smoker

gifts for men

Gifts for men don’t get manlier than this. Even the fanciest of fancy lads will occasionally revert to their primal form and want to cook something with smoke like their homo erectus forefathers. And as far as smoking goes, it doesn’t get more simple than this. Plug it in, insert wood and your favorite barbecue fodder from pork butt to brisket and in mere hours, you’ll have sweet, succulent smoked meat. You can smoke just about anything and watch it cook lovingly through the little window. Drool.

Price on Amazon: $150


6) Turkish Terry Cloth Robe

gifts for women

I defy you to find gifts for men cozier than this number. Every dude wants to own a robe, but few dudes will actually break down and buy one. This robe is not only like wearing a soft cloud, but it’s also super water absorbent. There are even two pockets to hide midnight snacks, cell phones, or other necessities.

Price on Amazon: $64



Gifts for friends

7) Fitbit Charge 3

gifts for friends

You’re not a friend unless you root for your pals to pursue self-improvement. Gifts for friends that help them along the way are always welcome, like the Fitbit Charge 3. It’s one of the best activity trackers available and makes hitting fitness goals much easier, not to mention way more fun. Measure everything from calories burned to REM sleep time, all from your smartphone. It’s water resistant too, in case friends like doing their cardio underwater.

Price on Amazon: $137


8) Fire TV Cube

Christmas gift ideas

If you’re looking for gifts for friends that are practically universal, the Fire TV Cube is it. It isn’t just a streamer–it’s a hands-free streamer. Imagine coming home and shouting, “Alexa, play Breaking Bad” or “Alexa, play The First Wives Club.” Everything from streaming content to volume control is controlled by flapping your gums. And because it displays everything in 4K, it’s as good looking as streaming media gets. The Fire TV stick isn’t as sexy, but it is infinitely more portable (plus, it fits in a stocking).

Price on Amazon: $119


9) Joule sous vide system

unique gifts

Everyone loves to eat, but not everyone likes to cook. Gifts for friends should inspire passion, and Joule does this in strides. It’s a sous vide system that doesn’t require any special pots or pans. Simply put it in a vessel of choice, pick a recipe from the app (or from the endless internet), and then serve up restaurant-quality food totally effortlessly. And because it’s so lightweight and sleek, it tucks away into any drawer when it’s not in use.

Price on Amazon: $199


10) Roman Fire Pit


Gifts for friends are best when they’re shared. And nothing says “party time” like a big, roaring backyard fire. This 35-inch high-temp bowl holds big fires to roast marshmallows, weenies, or even kabobs. Or, simply use it as a means for a bunch of pals to get warm by on a cold night.

Price on Amazon: $79


11) Giant Jenga

gifts for men

Need gifts for friends that are obsessed with games? Give them a Giant Jenga set and watch as the action gets downright heart-pounding. Stack massive bricks in a game that grows more difficult as time progresses. Make sure there aren’t any pets or children present, this tumbling tower is a tad more dangerous than your typical Jenga tower. Once each panic-inducing game is done, you can pack it away in the handy carrying case.

Price on Amazon: $109


Unique gifts

12) Weighted blanket

gifts for women

Sleeping is something tons of folks have a problem with, so why not invest in unique gifts that help fix this? Weighted blankets are exactly what they sound like. There’s even some science behind them, which in some cases helps sleepers decrease anxiety, reduce stress, and just plain relax more. It’s one of the most affordable ways to help friends sleep better.

Price on Amazon: $68.90


13) Neuhaus Belgian Chocolate Star Gift Box

gift ideas chocolates

Don’t overthink it. Nobody doesn’t like chocolate. And while drug store chocolate boxes are nothing more than a taste-bud gamble, Neuhaus chocolate boxes are packed full of assorted chocolates, bonbons, pralines, truffles, and other confections you won’t be afraid to sink your teeth into. Each piece of chocolate is equal parts treat and art project. 

Price on Amazon: $58


14) Instant Pot Ultra, 3-quart

christmas gift ideas

No list of unique gifts is complete without the addition of this amazing pressure cooker. Instant Pots are bringing home cooking back in a big way with everyone from Instagram-happy millennials and down-home boomers alike. It stir-fries, steams, slow-cooks, sterilizes, pressure cooks, and even makes yogurt without the need to even look at a stove. Every function is as easy as pushing a button on a gorgeous LCD screen.

Price on Amazon: $99.52


15) Calphalon Quartz Heat countertop oven


Forget everything you know about toaster ovens. This mini-powerhouse might just replace your big one altogether. Quartz heating elements deliver 40% more even heat, which ensures everything from chocolate chip cookies to butterflied chicken cooks quickly and evenly. No need to wait for it to heat up like lesser ovens. The Turbo Convect oven revs it into high gear, so you can make meals and snacks quicker. It even comes with a dedicated pizza pan, a dehydrating function, and a light to watch your food cook to perfection. It only makes…everything.

Price on Amazon: $200



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