Safe and legal abortion signs at the Women's March in Los Angeles

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Irony of Georgia’s sperm-reporting bill flies by anti-abortion advocates

Conservatives call it ‘big brother’ with seemingly no self-awareness.


Alyse Stanley


A bill recently submitted for consideration by Georgia’s state government would make men think twice before seeking some quality alone time, and its naysayers are missing the point.

Sponsored by Georgia state Rep. Dar’Shun Kendrick, the two-line proposal dictates any guy over 55 “shall immediately report to the county sheriff or local law enforcement agency when such male releases sperm from his testicles,” WGBA reports. Way to kill the mood.

Five female, Democratic state representatives sponsored HB 604 in retaliation for the Georgia House passing what’s been dubbed the “heartbeat abortion bill.” It restricts women from getting an abortion after the fetus’ heartbeat can be detected, which is around six weeks pregnant. The truncated time frame combined with a litany of other restrictions passed in recent years would cut off many women’s access to the procedure.

HB 604 is Kendrick’s latest effort in what she’s called a “testicular bill of rights.” While she acknowledges it has a slim chance of passing, the legislation she proposes enacts similar restrictions on men’s biological functions to that of the heartbeat abortion bill.

“You want our wombs? We’re coming for your testicles!” Kendrick tweeted earlier this month. Other drafted bills include a measure to ban vasectomies and brand a man’s choice to have sex without a condom “aggravated assault.”

While the representatives intended the bill to draw attention to the double standard in legislation restricting access to abortion, the irony whizzed over many conservatives’ heads. Descriptors like “sick,” “twisted,” and “crazy” were thrown around by Twitter users, with many failing to see the parallels between restricting ejaculation and preventing abortion.



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