
These illustrative pin sets will have art appreciators seeing stars

One for you and one for … you!

Photo of Marisa Losciale

Marisa Losciale

artist pins

Van Gogh said it himself – “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

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His logic is exemplified in these seven divine sets of artist pins. The designs are broken up into two pieces: the signified and the signifier. The illustrative sets depict a variety of well-respected artists and their work. Pick from representations of Jane AustenFrida Kahlo, Kurt Vonnegut, William ShakespeareVincent Van GoghEdgar Allen Poe, the Scream painting and more. For example, Van Gogh is rejoined with his infamous ear, while Poe is featured with a raven. Very fitting, if you ask us.

artist pins

They look great on denim jackets and even backpacks. But wherever you choose to use them is up to you. The various sets of pins are available through Amazon for just $16. So, for just $8 a pin you can gift one to your bestie! (Or just keep them both for yourself).


Shop the full collection here


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