chips ahoy

Chips Ahoy/Twitter

Conservatives are mad at Chips Ahoy cookies

Inclusive ad angers prominent pundits.


David Covucci


Prominent conservatives are calling for a boycott after Chips Ahoy cookies (a subsidiary of Nabisco) used a drag queen in a Mother’s Day add.

Because how can one consume a cookie that made an ad to reach an audience it wanted to serve?

The ad “celebrates you being you,” which was apparently too much for conservatives bothered by a drag queen appearing in an ad.

One Federalist contributor went so far as to picture himself with a Chips Ahoy box and deliver a resounding thumbs down.

“[S]ay no to woke-ass, hyper-politicized ad campaigns,” he wrote.

But unlike a lot of times when people try to organize backlash around a brand, Chips Ahoy is standing strong.

“they’re big mad,” the brand tweeted late Sunday.

H/T Mediaite


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