
“Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?”

YouTuber Hugh Atkin thinks he has the answer and a handful of other videos you should watch too. 

Photo of Justin Franz

Justin Franz

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Who is the real Mitt Romney?

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A brilliant new YouTube video posted on Monday offers a compelling answer to the question that’s plagued major media outlets for month.

Using countless clips from interviews and speeches, YouTuber Hugh Atkin created “Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up,” a mash-up that follows the format and beat of Eminem’s 2000 hit “The Real Slim Shady.”


While the clip was making the rounds on social media this week—it already has more than 700,000 views—Atkin is no stranger to political spoof videos.

In 2008, Atkin, whose YouTube member name is hmatkin, made numerous videos about that election including one poking fun at the candidates’ endless use of the catch phrase “change.” Another video asserted that Hillary Clinton’s determination to stay in the race was hurting Barack Obama’s chances (although it wasn’t phased as politely), and perhaps the funniest one sliced together John McCain commercials with clips of Simpson’s character Rainier Wolfcastle.

Each video was well received, though many believe the recent Romney addition was Atkin’s best.


“I love how this guy put together sound clips of all these clowns to have the structure and even nuances of a skilled rap song,” wrote Zimnyification. “Can you imagine all the footage he had to watch and pick apart and put together? Kudos to that guy. He should stand up.”

Looking at Atkin’s blog, where he posts links to most of his videos, it’s clear that he isn’t a huge fan of Romney. Last month he posted a picture that compared the GOP candidate to a shape-shifting clown. But regardless of whether or not you agree with his politics, it’s clear he has the ability to make some funny videos, including some outside the political world.

Just watch this interesting juxtaposition of The Sopranos actor James Gandolfini with his voiced character in the film Where The Wild Things Are. One thing’s for sure, you’ll never see the innocent child film in the same light again.  



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