Last week President Donald Trump said he needed to focus his 'energy' away from the Russia investigation. He hasn't lived up to that promise.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Remix by Andrew Wyrich

20 tweets Trump sent about the Russia probe since he stopped ‘focusing’ on it

He has failed to live up to that promise.


Andrew Wyrich


Last week, President Donald Trump declared on Twitter that he would focus his “energy” away from the ongoing probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election and other related matters.

During a rant about the investigation, headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, on May 29, the president railed against what he believes is a spy inside his presidential campaign, the “rigged Russia With Hunt,” and even accused the investigation of “meddling” in the upcoming midterm elections.

After several tweets, he said he needed to “start focusing my energy” on other matters.

“Sorry, I’ve got to start focusing my energy on North Korea Nuclear, bad Trade Deals, VA Choice, the Economy, rebuilding the Military, and so much more, and not on the Rigged Russia Witch Hunt that should be investigating Clinton/Russia/FBI/Justice/Obama/Comey/Lynch etc.,” he wrote.

At the time, the internet was unconvinced that he’d be able to do so, and he has proven them right.

In the more than 90 tweets or retweets the president has sent out since declaring he needed to refocus his “energy” on something other than the Russia investigation, Trump has tweeted, or retweeted, about it more than 20 times.

Amid the flurry of tweets, Trump has:

There are other numerous examples of Trump using Twitter to comment on the investigation, including quoting people on television who are speaking about it.

So much for refocusing that “energy.”


The Daily Dot