President Donald Trump and his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen are no longer Twitter buddies.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Trump unceremoniously unfollows Michael Cohen on Twitter

It’s the end of an era.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump and his longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, are no longer Twitter buddies.

The Trump Alert bot, which tracks likes, follows, unfollows, and other Twitter activity among the first family, spotted the change on Thursday night.

As the bot notes, it is unclear whether Trump unfollowed Cohen or if there was some blocking involved.

The end of their Twitter relationship marks an unceremonious end for the two men.

The president may be salty after his former lawyer accepted a plea deal where he implicated his former boss in a plot to pay off Stormy Daniels and another woman. Or, it could be that Cohen has reportedly changed his party registration from Republican to Democrat earlier this month.

In fact, Cohen’s tweets about the upcoming 2018 midterms may have ruffled Trump.

“The #MidtermElections2018 might be the most important vote in our lifetime. #GetOutAndVote #VoteNovember6th,” Cohen tweeted days after the news broke of his new party registration.

Earlier this week in a piece by Vanity Fair, a friend said that Cohen had regrets about his time working for the now-president and is now trying “to make it right.”

“What you see now is a return to who he was before all of this,” the friend told the news outlet. “He’s an open book, and he’s adamant to make it right.”

The end of the Twitter relationship caught the attention of people online.

Cohen still follows both the president’s personal account and the official @POTUS account as well as numerous members of the first family, including Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Melania Trump.


The Daily Dot