Donald Trump golf presidency

Photo via Yuki Shimazu (CC-BY-SA)

White House hesitant to disclose just how much golf Trump plays

Trump is a ‘decent player’ for his age, apparently.


David Gilmour


Over the course of his first month in office, President Donald Trump has made time each weekend to visit his Florida golf courses, something his aides fear will end in him being branded a hypocrite.

The reason being, Trump regularly criticized former President Barack Obama for playing the sport instead of working.

Trump’s spokespersons have hesitated to confirm whether he had taken to the golf course following reports that he had been visiting his Mar-a-Lago estate. However, despite their tight-lipped refusal to speak, the president appears to have been rumbled by the high-profile individuals who have joined him on the links.

Last week, Trump hit a few at Palm Beach with the visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe.

Then, on Sunday, it appears he enjoyed the company of Northern Irishman and world-ranked golfer Rory McIlroy, who verified the game to golf blog No Laying Up.

The golfer told the website that Trump was “a decent player for a guy in his 70s” and that the pair had played a full 18 holes. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee, however, had been less open and told reporters that the president had played only “a couple of holes.”

Golf has traditionally been the pastime of the presidents, a quiet outdoor game that removes them from the fuss and stress of Washington. Still, among them, Trump has been particularly keen to hit the course. CNN reports that Obama didn’t play his first round of golf until late April 2009, negating Trump’s criticism of his predecessor as an irresponsible golf aficionado.  

It’s unlikely, however, that Trump is as red-faced as his aides seem to be about it all, and it’s doubtful that it will stop him from working on his handicap.

The Daily Dot