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Here’s the Trump–Clinton debate bingo you need to distract yourself

When life gives you lemons, play bingo.


Andrew Couts


The first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is upon us—time to find some distraction to keep from collapsing into the fetal position.

At 9pm ET tonight, the most despised pair of presidential candidates in history will take the stage to duke it out over policy differences who’s the biggest liar, swindler, and scandal-mongrel of them all. 

Rather than simply sitting there, staring at your screen as visions of the apocalypse flash before your eyes, turn that frown upside down with Clinton vs. Trump Debate Bingo! 

The Mary Sue has created a Trump-Clinton debate bingo card generator that allows you and all your friends to get in on the game. They’ve done such a good job that you can more or less expect everything on this card to happen during tonight’s big event. 

If you think these options are terrible, you can use the bingo card generator to swap in some of your own. (Just scroll up to the top and replace what’s in there with whatever you want.) Perhaps you’d rather focus on just one candidate or the other, or the insane media frenzy that is sure to accompany what’s expected to be the largest television even in history

And if playing bingo isn’t your thing, you can always just drink.

The Daily Dot