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Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

Spike Lee backs Bernie Sanders in new ad

The famed director says voters need to ‘wake up’ to Sanders’s policies.


Andrew Couts


Bernie Sanders would “do the right thing” as president, according to director and actor Spike Lee.

In a radio ad released this week ahead of Saturday’s Democratic primary in South Carolina, Lee calls on voters to “wake up” to corporate greed and the forces Sanders says caused the rising income inequality in the United States. Lee also officially endorsed the Independent Vermont senator. 

“Bernie takes no money from corporations—nada!” Lee says in the ad. “And when he gets in the White House, he will do the right thing”—a blunt reference to Lee’s breakout 1989 film Do the Right Thing.

The ad follows Sanders’s second-place finish to Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton in Nevada, where the former secretary of state trounced Sanders among black voters by 54 points

In 2008, South Carolina’s Democratic voters were 55 percent African-American, according to exit polls—a number that is likely giving the Sanders camp reason to sweat.

Hey, nobody said doing the right thing had anything to do with winning.

H/T the Hill | Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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