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Snapchat has reportedly overtaken Twitter as the second most popular social network

Facebook is still number one.


AJ Dellinger


150 million users send and receive snaps on Snapchat each day, according to a recent report; that’s good enough for the disappearing photo app to surpass Twitter as the second-most active social network behind Facebook.

The news of Snapchat’s apparent rise in the ranks of social platforms comes from a Bloomberg report, which cites sources familiar with Snapchat’s daily active user figures. The app has grown significantly since the start of 2016; Bloomberg cited a source that said Snapchat had 110 million daily users in December 2015.

That’s exciting news for Snapchat—which continues to baffle anyone over the age of 25 as to how exactly the damn thing works—as it propels the platform into the second slot for most active social networks.

Of course, if Snapchat had jumped into second place behind Facebook, that means someone had to drop. Twitter is the unlucky social network that has to take the fall. According to a number of analyst estimates sought by Bloomberg, Twitter has about 140 million active users. Though good news for Twitter: the last company to occupy third place was Snapchat, and things worked out great for it!

Twitter has struggled to gain new users for some time now, and slow and stagnant growth have been a constant knock against the company for over a year. Last quarter was the first with no discernible user growth since the company went public in 2010.

However, it also hasn’t publicly reported its daily active users in some time, and the last hint of the figures to come out of the company were released during the second quarter of 2015. 

Twitter’s chief financial officer Anthony Noto explained during the company’s third quarter earnings call in 2015 that daily and monthly active users was “not a metric that we are prepared to keep reporting every quarter.” Instead the company promised to report any “significant deviation” from its existing figures, which it hasn’t done, implying there hasn’t been a noteworthy change—though how Twitter defines “significant deviation” is unclear.

As of the first quarter of 2016, Twitter has 310 million monthly active users. Back in the second quarter of 2015, it reported 44 percent of its monthly active users checked in daily on the platform, which would work out to about 136.4 million—still below the estimates gathered by Bloomberg and the recent report on Snapchat’s daily visitors.

The Daily Dot reached out to Snapchat and Twitter about the report. Both companies declined to provide comment. 

H/T Bloomberg

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