White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said President Donald Trump is 'the best negotiator at the table' with regards to China trade deals.

The White House/YouTube

Sarah Sanders says Trump is ‘the best negotiator’—and the internet busts a gut

‘If he’s the ONLY negotiator at the table. Then, yes.’


Kris Seavers


The internet got a good laugh on Friday when White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called President Donald Trump “the best negotiator at the table,” implying he has the upper hand in an ongoing trade tiff with China.

Trump has declared his intentions to tax Chinese steel and aluminum, and China has retaliated with tariffs on soy and other products.

People on Twitter wanted to know what table, exactly, Sanders was referring to. And how many negotiators are sitting there?

Sanders touted Trump’s hand in the yet-unresolved North American Free Trade Agreement as an illustration of his negotiating skills. But people had other examples in mind.


They were particularly tickled in light of Trump’s negotiations (through his lawyer) with Stormy Daniels, the porn actress who has said she had an affair with the president in 2006. Daniels is suing Trump over the $130,000 settlement that was meant to keep her quiet about the affair ahead of the 2016 presidential election.


It’s yet to be seen how Donald “Best Negotiator” Trump will handle the China tariff situation. Lest the internet forget, this is the same man who once co-authored a book called The Art of the Deal. But given his history, plenty of people are lacking faith in Trump’s diplomacy skills.

At least they’re getting a hearty chuckle out of it.





H/T Huffington Post

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