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Romney’s win resonates online

Rick Santorum is subdued in his response, but the long-shot candidates are tweeting away.


Justin Franz


Mitt Romney swept Republican presidential primaries in Michigan and Arizona on Tuesday night and also swept away the notion that the former Massachusetts governor’s campaign was on life support.

Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator, had been Romney’s biggest threat over the last few weeks and many thought a loss in Michigan would be fatal for Romney.

On social media, candidates and voters reacted to the news of Romney’s win. Some, like Santorum, kept a low profile, while Newt Gingrich didn’t even bat an eye at Romney’s wins and instead focused on the Super Tuesday races, when 10 states hold primaries. On the other hand, some candidates took pride in their small victories and vowed to carry on, including the long shots who are placing their campaign bets on social media.

Here’s a rundown of the winners, the losers, and the ever hopeful.

Photo via @RonPaul

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