rick wilson ukraine joke

Daily Caller/Twitte

Conservatives are frothing over a Ukraine joke told on CNN

Ivanka Trump leads a charge of high-profile conservatives who feel attacked.


David Covucci


Over the weekend, NPR reporter Mary-Louise Kelly detailed an incident with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, where he demanded she point out Ukraine on an unlabeled map.

The point, Pompeo was making, was that most Americans couldn’t find Ukraine on a map.

On a CNN segment over the weekend, host Don Lemon; anti-Trump Republican/resistance bookseller Rick Wilson; and New York Times columnist Wajahat Ali discussed the story. Wilson joked that Trump couldn’t find Ukraine on a map if you spotted him the letter “U” and a picture of a crane.

The joke left Lemon a sobbing, cackling mess.

The trio riffed on it, pretending to be a hypothetical Trump voter who didn’t care that people could read maps or knew basic geography.

Which is, literally, what Pompeo was saying. That the average American couldn’t point to Ukraine on a map and didn’t care about it.

When he did it, it didn’t spark outrage, just a rallying cry from Republicans against the media.

When this group did the exact same thing, it sparked a thousand tweets of the “elites” being dismissive of the intelligence of the average American.

Not only did Trump himself share the clip, his daughter, who is the heiress of a million-dollar fortune, went in on the nation’s “elites.”

“The arrogance, mocking accents and smug ridicule of this nation’s ‘Real Elites’ is disgusting,” wrote Ivanka Trump.

Prominent conservatives criticized the clip as well.


As of press time, the indignation was picking up steam on Twitter.


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