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The Obama campaign tweets against Romney

The moves President Obama’s campaign folks have been making on Twitter might tell us more about what he about Republican nominees.


Justin Franz



President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign was going after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney early this week on Twitter, confirming what some political strategists speculated: Romney will be the eventual nominee and Obama knows it.

In fact, the Obama campaign’s Twitter account shows that if any Republican candidate worries them, it’s Romney. The former governor has been mentioned in three separate tweets from the Obama campaign since October, the only GOP candidate called out by name. The most recent mention was today, when @BarackObama tweeted “The two sides of Mitt Romney can’t agree on much—except wanting to be President.” The note also included a link to, a site paid for by the Democratic National Committee, to paint Romney as a “flip flopper.”

Previous tweets from the campaign that referred to Romney have often criticized the governor on his economic record; In October, the Obama camp linked to a video of an editorial board meeting and earlier this month, re-tweeted a harsh criticism by campaign manager Jim Messina.

The focus on Romney could show that those in the campaign still think he will become the Republican nominee next year and candidates like Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain are passing fads.

Photo by Gage Skidmore

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