Woman showing off peace fingers with graphic background

Solarseven/Shutterstock Hatsak/Shutterstock Chaya Raichik/Twitter (Licensed)

‘The ultimate FAFO!’: Libs of TikTok is outing people sending her death threats—and reveling in their dismay

Libs of TikTok has faced significant backlash this week.


Tricia Crimmins


Chaya Raichik, who runs Libs of TikTok account on X, posted screenshots of multiple death threats she received after people online accused her and Oklahoma’s Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters of complicity in the death of Nex Benedict, a non-binary Oklahoma teen who was beaten by peers at school.

This week, many on X and other social media platforms blamed Walters and Raichik for spewing transphobic rhetoric that they allege motivated three girls who beat Benedict in an Owasso High School bathroom. The motives of the fight are currently unknown.

Benedict died the next day. Police said that Benedict did not die of “trauma” but that an official cause of death could not be released.

Raichik has previously met with Walters and was appointed to a role in his administration. She also once previously targeted Owasso years early over a teacher she accused of grooming students.

As the online attention swelled, with Raichik receiving death threats yesterday, she began sharing them publicly on her X account. She also asked her followers for information on the people who sent her threats.

“If you threaten to m*rder me I will find out everything about you. I will contact your employer. I will contact your parents if you’re a kid. I will contact authorities in your area,” Raichik tweeted. “That’s a promise.”

The graphic threats against her included hopes that she die and/or commit suicide.

“I hope you get hanged in front [of] your family and in public,” one of the threats said. “Nothing would feel better [than] your worthless pathetic life drain from your eyes.”

“I hope you die the most painful and depressing death :)” another said. “Old age and surrounded by nobody, sick thoughts gets you in a place where nobody actually gives a shit about you.”

A follower of Raichik’s found the LinkedIn profile of an individual who messaged Raichik to ask her when she’d commit suicide—and Raichik tweeted at the individual’s university to alert the administration of his behavior.

Raichik also tweeted a Reddit post from an individual whose death threat and photo she shared with her followers.

“A very popular alt right creator posted my face on her Twitter,” the Reddit post said. “Is it illegal to then post my face and ask your followers for info about me?”

Raichik called the entire ordeal “ultimate” payback.

“This chick sent me a death wish, I posted it and now she’s reeling,” Raichik tweeted. “Lesson for life: don’t send people death wishes on the internet!”

Raichik, who shares the social media of trans and/or leftist teachers and educators she finds offensive, has been accused of a nationwide campaign of harassment. Her posts have also been accused at inciting bomb threats against schools.

Walters also received siginifcant backlash after Benedict’s death, as he’s pushed numerous anti-trans policies while in charge of Oklahoma schools.

Walters didn’t immediately respond to the Daily Dot’s earlier request for comment on Benedict or the online response.

This post has been updated with Oswasso Police’s comments on Benedict’s death.

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