Kamala Harris Joe Biden Shade Vice President

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Harris throws serious shade at Biden over VP talk

The burn didn’t go unnoticed online.


Andrew Wyrich


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), one of many Democrats seeking their party’s nomination for president in 2020, threw some shade at fellow hopeful Joe Biden when asked about how she responded to chatter that she would make a good vice presidential candidate.

Since Biden entered the race, he has sat near the top of most 2020 polls among Democratic primary voters. However, it is still early in the process—with the first Democratic debates scheduled to take place next month.

Harris was asked by a reporter about talk of her being a good candidate to be vice president if she weren’t to capture the party’s nomination.

Her response, according to several reports, was that Biden would be a good vice president because he’s done it before.

The not-so-subtle shade was noticed and respected.





It’s still extremely early to predict who will ultimately get the nod to run against President Donald Trump, but Harris clearly isn’t running to be someone’s vice presidential candidate.


The Daily Dot