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The Daily Show

Jon Stewart says it’s absolutely time to politicize the Charleston shooting

Fox News, wrong once again.


Michelle Jaworski


The days following the Charleston shooting raise many worrisome issues, from the Confederate flag to Dylann Roof’s racist rhetoric. But if you ask Fox News, it’s too soon to bring up the politics of the mass murder.

The same people who used the deaths of two NYPD officers to criticize New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio before the bodies were even in the ground are now accusing liberals of jumping to the Confederate flag and gun control before the nine murdered churchgoers have been buried.

It’s all enough to make Jon Stewart furious. While he recorded his show before South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called for the Confederate flag to be taken down, he said that doing so would be the easiest out of the many options that will probably result in absolutely nothing changing.

Even if the flag is removed, Stewart said, the Emanuel AME Church is still surrounded by racist symbols. Removing the flag is only the beginning.

“If we’re having this trouble removing a symbol of racism, we’re in deep dookie if we want to remove actual racism,” Jessica Williams explained when she and Jordan Klepper joined Stewart to talk about it.

But when Stewart said something similar, Klepper went wild—proving the point that, no matter how how a person color spends making a point, people only tend to listen once a white person (usually a man) makes the same point.

Screengrab via The Daily Show

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