in defense of joe biden

Drop of Light/Shutterstock @EdKrassen/Twitter (Licensed) Remix by Jason Reed

Defending Biden by tweeting the legal definition of sexual assault is one way to do it

Biden defender gets roasted for bizarre tweetstorm.


David Covucci


On Friday, Lucy Flores, a Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in Nevada in 2014, published her story of meeting Joe Biden, writing about how he inappropriately kissed her while greeting her.

It went into detail about how it changed the way she viewed Biden, and how his behavior toward women made them feel inadequate and undervalued. The essay was poignant, moving, and highlighted something already known to most anyone who follows politics: Biden has a history of being handsy.

The issue is whether this behavior is disqualifying and whether someone with this history deserves the support of the party. And some Democratic voters, who are terrified of both President Donald Trump and the emergent progressive left, want Biden to remain a viable candidate.

And they’ll go to astounding lengths to defend him.

Like the Krassenstein brothers, Brian and Ed, who on Sunday embarked on a full-throated (tweeted?) defense of Biden.

“Every day thousands of women are traumatized,” he tweeted. “Kissing someone on the cheek (or head) as a greeting, is a greeting, not sex assault.”

Flores, it should be noted, did not say that Biden sexually assaulted her. But the Krassensteins and those who tweet similar sentiments are building up a strawman of people saying “Joe Biden committed sexual assault” (which no one is saying), to knock down, vindicate, and clear Biden.

Brian’s bro Ed posted the dictionary definition of sexual assault to acquit Biden.

It is, as they say, a weird flex.

Not all defenses of Biden were tweetstorms.

In an essay on a viral photo that became a meme, Stephanie Carter, wife of former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, wrote about the way the internet spoke about her experience, where Biden was photographed touching her shoulders. She wants people to know how incorrect they were.

But a still shot taken from a video — misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends — sent out in a snarky tweet — came to be the lasting image of that day.

Carter goes on to say that she is not interested in people continuing to use her picture as a way to declare Biden’s behavior inappropriate.

Carter’s desire to no longer be used as a way to paint Biden as inappropriate is valid and should be honored. But it shouldn’t be used as a cudgel to defend Biden, and doesn’t discount what Flores wanted to say over the weekend.


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