joe biden slogan

West Point/Flickr (Public Domain)

Joe Biden’s 2020 slogan is straight-up gibberish

It’s not very catchy at all.


David Covucci


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign isn’t even a week old, but he’s already taken his place as the presumptive favorite, leading polls by a wide margin.

However, his ascension is due mainly to name recognition and not, say, the rollout of his candidacy, which has been beset by errors, gaffes, and milquetoast policy, to say nothing of past behaviors he’s still struggling to address.

He’s also struggling to even differentiate himself from President Donald Trump, who he is ostensibly running against, with a stance that is essentially “Make America Great Again.”

In an interview with Robin Roberts of ABC’s Good Morning America, Biden was asked if he had his own motto for his 2020 run.

He said: “Make America moral again. Make America return to the essence of who we are, the dignity of the country, the dignity of people, treating our people with dignity… End this God-awful deliberate division that is being taken in order… separating people to aggrandize his own power.”


Or, worse, just MAMA. You can watch Biden’s interview here.


The Daily Dot