Bathroom with Amazon logo on towel

John Hickey-Fry/Flickr (CC-BY) Remix by Jason Reed

Jeff Bezos’ new mansion comes with 25 bathrooms—and Twitter is losing it

Meanwhile, his employees sometimes pee in bottles.


Jay Hathaway


Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO and world’s richest man, is renovating his Washington, D.C. mansion, and Washingtonian obtained and published the floor plans. The 27,000 square-foot home is impressive, but one stat in the renovation plans stood out: 25 bathrooms.

Washingtonian reports that part of the point of the home, the largest in Washington, is “A-level socializing,” so Bezos presumably won’t be using all 25 of his toilets personally. Still, many found it strange and hilarious to build more than two bathrooms for every bedroom.

It’s also cruelly ironic that Bezos will have 25 bathrooms when many Amazon warehouse workers report they’re afraid to take bathroom breaks. They’ve said the bathrooms are too far away and they fear being punished for missing their performance targets. Some have even reported peeing in bottles rather than risking a long walk to a real toilet.

The good news, I guess, is that Bezos will be able to reduce his toilet paper costs by using “subscribe and save” with his Amazon Prime subscription. Isn’t capitalism great?

The Daily Dot