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The iPhone is sizing up, and that’s a good thing

Bigger is better, right? 


Molly McHugh


Another year, another iPhone. That’s not exactly the schedule the almighty iOS has conceived, but the never-ending onslaught of Apple rumors certainly makes it seem that way.

The latest regarding the next hot-phone-you-must-buy-or-perish is that it will be bigger. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Apple is working on two new iPhones, one of which will sport a 4.5-inch display and the other a 5-inch display. For reference, that’s as big as the Galaxy S III and the Galaxy S4 (that right there is why smartphone naming conventions need to be taken out back and killed).

A lot of tech pundits will argue that this new size means Apple is feeling pressure from Android manufacturers, specifically Samsung (of the previously mentioned Galaxy lineup), that have broken ground on the “phablet” territory. (Phablet: the puberty of mobile devices; they’re not a phone, not yet a tablet.) An iPhone user, lover, and defender’s first reaction might be to call foul, to say, “Hey! We don’t need no stinkin’ giant phones!”

But hear me out, fellow iPhone users. This could be great.

1) Screen envy be damned!

There’s this game my friends and I play and it’s super complicated and smart (just kidding, it’s Dots, which I would argue is really the smartest game of all if you play it right, but this is neither the time nor place). When we play the timed version, I watch these jerks and their giant phones, fingers flying across those enormous screens, and I have screen envy.

Image via V3

Same applies to watching anything on your phone; just sit the 5S next to the GS4 with videos on each and tell me which one you’d rather look at. Just admit it.

2) Finger fatties unite

I am not a large person but I have very large hands. Like, comically big. But I know I’m not the only one out there with paws like this. For instance, most adult men likely suffer from this problem as well. We’d all personally like to file a “here, here!” about this bigger iPhone stuff.

3) An even better camera

This isn’t guaranteed, but the bigger a phone is, the bigger the sensor inside of it can be. Which would mean that Apple could outfit the new iPhones with larger, better, more capable sensors. Nobody’s going to say no to that.

And the only negative would be not being able to easily slide your iPhone into your pocket while mocking your Galaxy toting cohorts who are struggling to stuff their phones in theirs.

Photo via SamsungTomorrow/Flickr


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