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Man-ranking app Lulu now lets guys see their scores

Now men can see if they got labeled a #FartMachine or a #SexMachine.


Kate Knibbs


Lulu, the app that allows women to anonymously rate men, requires a Facebook login to sign on. Previously, men who tried to use the app would get kicked off, but a recent update now lets men stay logged on and find out what women are saying about them.

Men and Lulu haven’t gotten along so well in the past. The women-only rule drew ire when the app first debuted as a dehumanizing, cruel ‘Yelp for Men,’ and it had to shut down in Brazil after a man filed suit against the app for violating his privacy. Lulu recently changed its policy and says it requires men to sign up and opt in to the service, and this latest update goes a step further, allowing men to see their reviews, as well as the number of women who have reviewed them, viewed their profile, and favorited them.


The update allows men to choose hashtag descriptions for themselves from a list of options like #MovesLikeLeBron to #Giving. Men can even admit they #OwnCrocs, though I don’t know who would do that. One of the options is #FlayLikeBobby, though I have no idea what that means. They can also choose their turn-offs. 


Lulu cofounder Allison Schwartz told Business Insider that the app will remain focused on serving women. And men aren’t allowed to rate women, so it’s still a one-sided review system. For Lulu, this update makes sense because it gives men a reason to sign up and engage with the app without alienating its female userbase by permitting the tables to turn. For men, this is just a confidence killer or an ego-inflater waiting to happen.

H/T Business Insider | Photo via Flickr/Quinn Dombrowski (CC BY-SA 2.0) 

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