
Photo via harinaivoteza/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Man discovers that his wife is pregnant thanks to Fitbit

Talk about a surprise!


Selena Larson


What started off as an innocent question on the Fitbit subreddit turned out to be the surprise of one man’s life. 

David Trinidad, aka Reddit user YoungPTone, wanted to investigate a potential problem with his wife Ivonne’s Fitbit. According to the fitness tracker, she had a consistently high heart rate for an extended period of time, and it didn’t match up with her tracked activity. Trinidad figured it was an issue with the Fitbit, so he asked redditors whether there was a way to reset the device.

An elevated heart rate isn’t entirely unusual—it could be a sign of a medical condition, increased stress, or, as one person noted, pregnancy. In response to Trinidad’s query, Thatwasunpleasant asked whether his wife was pregnant. 


Trinidad told the BBC that he and Ivonne were actively trying to get pregnant, so it was a strong possibility. He called her after seeing Thatwasunpleasant’s comment and told her to go to the doctor, where tests confirmed she was pregnant. 

“It’s our first child; she hasn’t been a mom before and I haven’t been a dad before,” he told the radio program. “I was aware of some of the early signs of pregnancy, but elevated heart rate wasn’t among them.” 

After learning his wife is expecting a child, he shared the good news on Reddit. 

Thank you all for your overwhelming support! Its been awesome to read all the comments and well wishes, even the comments questioning whether I am in fact the father (gotta have a sense of humor on here, right?). I just wanted to say this is indeed real, I do not work for fitbit, this is not guerrilla marketing. This is real, the fear is real, the excitement is very real! I am a regular guy who was just looking for the communities help with his wife’s technology issue (we’ve all been there, right?). Little did i know I got alot more than I bargained for! Now I’m a regular guy who is preparing to have his first child brought into the world, god willing, in Oct 2016.

The couple set up Instagram and Twitter accounts to track “babyfitbit” and the process of becoming new parents.

H/T BBC 5 | Photo via harinaivoteza/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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