elon musk ted talk

Photo via TED

Elon Musk lays out his vision for the future of technology in new TED Talk

We get our first glimpse at his plans for the Boring Company.


Phillip Tracy


Elon Musk discussed the future of his many companies at a TED Talk in Vancouver on Friday, laying out what he sees as the future of macro-technology.

The CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, the Boring Company, and Neuralink began by showing off his vision for building a 3D network of tunnels underneath Los Angeles to alleviate congestion and get rid of traffic, which he considers “one of the most soul-destroying things” in life.


Musk then presented a demonstration for what it’s like to drive in a fully autonomous Tesla vehicle and gave an update on the upcoming electric semi-truck.


The CEO also discussed solar panel roofing, claiming it will be unusual for a home to not have solar tiles 15 years from now. He considers sustainable energy to be inevitable, with or without Tesla, but cautions that technology does not always improve over time.

Musk cites ancient pyramid in Egypt and aqueducts in Rome as examples for how technology can be forgotten. With SpaceX, he hopes to bring space exploration back to its glory days and beyond. One of Musk’s earliest goals has been to make humans an interplanetary species by forming a civilization on Mars. He said this needs to be achieved because, “If the future does not include being out there among the stars and being a multi-planet species, I find that incredibly depressing if that’s not the future that we are going to have.”

The business magnate claims he isn’t trying to be anyone’s savior by bringing humans into space. He’s just trying to “think about the future and not be sad.”

The Daily Dot