Donald Trump Thanksgiving

The White House/Flickr (Public Domain)

Trump says ‘some people’ want to change the name of Thanksgiving

Trump’s remarks sparked a whole lot of jokes.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that “some people” wanted to change the name of Thanksgiving, telling a crowd of supporters that he wasn’t going to let that happen.

However, as many people quickly pointed out online, there doesn’t seem to be a large groundswell of support to do so.

Trump made his remarks during a rally in Florida.

“As we gather together for Thanksgiving—you know, some people want to change the name for Thanksgiving. They don’t want to use the term Thanksgiving,” the president said.

He continued, bringing up the so-called “War on Christmas.”

“That was true also with Christmas, but now everybody is using Christmas again. Remember I said that? But now we’re going to have to do a little work on Thanksgiving. People have different ideas why it shouldn’t be called Thanksgiving. But everybody in this room, I know, loves the name Thanksgiving and we’re not changing it.”

While Trump only said “some people,” many people assumed he meant liberals, leading to people cracking jokes while using the hashtag #WhatLiberalsCallThanksgiving.

Other people used #WarOnThanksgiving to make similar jokes.

While not clear where Trump got his information from, Fox News did run a bit the day before on how liberals want a more “PC” Thanksgiving. So probably from there.


The Daily Dot