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Gage Skidmore / flickr (CC by 2.0) | Remix by Max Fleishman

Donald Trump says he’d send all Syrian refugees back if elected

‘We have no idea who they are. We have no idea where they come from.’


Josh Katzowitz


You might know Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as a guy who, when he receives queries he doesn’t like, questions the interviewer’s menstrual cycle, or as a man who thinks Mexican illegal immigrants are rapists.

Now America can meet Donald Trump, the worldwide humanitarian.

On Wednesday, Trump, at a rally in New Hampshire, said that if he’s elected president, he’ll send back all Syrian refugees that arrive in the U.S. Earlier this month, President Obama authorized the U.S. to take in 10,000 displaced refugees, a number that will be increased to 85,000 by 2016 and 100,000 in 2017.

Trump apparently doesn’t like that idea.

Trump, then, received a nice round of applause from a reported crowd of 3,500 at a high school gym in Keene, New Hampshire.

Trump expanded on his idea to CNN, saying that he’s worried about terrorists infiltrating this country.

“We have no idea who they are. We have no idea where they come from. And I’m just telling you right now, they may come in, through the weakness of Obama, but they’re going out if I become president,” Trump said. “They will not stay here. They are going back to Syria, whether it’s safe zones or whatever.”

The reason Trump believes ISIS might be lurking in the shadows of those who are leaving their homes because it’s too dangerous to continue living there? Too many solidly built men.

“Did you ever see a migration like that?” he said at the rally. “They’re all men, and they’re all strong-looking guys… There are so many men; there aren’t that many women. And I’m saying to myself: Why aren’t they fighting to save Syria? Why are they migrating all over Europe? Seriously.”

So far, Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders haven’t responded to Trump’s comments, but Martin O’Malley weighed in with this tweet.

Even Jeb Bush couldn’t believe his ears when he was told of Trump’s remarks.

Said Bush, via the Washington Post: “Send them all back? To a hellhole?”

H/T MediaitePhoto via Gage Skidmore/flickr (CC by 2.0) | Remix by Max Fleishman 

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