Donald Trump Jr

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Donald Trump Jr. tells Virginians to vote on the wrong day—twice

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…


Andrew Couts


Voters across the United States are heading to the polls today—but you might not know that if Donald Trump Jr. is your source of information.

President Donald Trump’s oldest son is coming out hard in favor of Republican Ed Gillespie, who’s running against Democrat Ralph Northam for Virginia’s governor. The race is neck-and-neck, with Northam holding a slim lead in the polls.

With the Virginia gubernatorial race within the margin of error in most polls, Trump Jr. is doing his part to encourage the Virginia residents among his 2.2 million Twitter followers to vote for Gillespie. There’s just one problem: He told people to vote on the wrong day. Twice.

To be fair, between posting these tweets, Trump Jr. also tweeted that the vote was today, Nov. 7.

He also retweeted his father’s tweet calling on voters to cast their ballots for Gillespie.

Although it’s unlikely that Trump Jr.’s errant tweets will swing the Virginia election either way, it’s hard not to feel for the one poor sap who heads to the polls a day late because he listened to the president’s son.

The Daily Dot