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Photo via Michael Vadon/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

Donald Trump refers to Ted Cruz as a ‘p***y’ at New Hampshire rally

You have to check out the video.


Josh Katzowitz


If you thought businessman Donald Trump wouldn’t stoop so low as to call one of the Republican presidential nominee hopefuls “a pussy,” you’re absolutely right. He would NOT do that. But if somebody in his New Hampshire audience suggests that Ted Cruz is, in fact, “a pussy,” Trump doesn’t mind repeating it for everybody to hear and then sarcastically reprimanding the Trump fan who said it.

That is what happened Monday night.

And apparently, the crowd ate it up.

The impetus for the mark began last Saturday during the latest Republican debate when Trump said he would bring back the enhanced-interrogation method (many instead would call it torture) of waterboarding. “I’d bring back waterboarding,” Trump said. “And I would bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.”

Meanwhile, Cruz said he wouldn’t bring back the widespread use of waterboarding. “I think bad things happen when enhanced interrogation is employed at lower levels,” he said last Saturday.

That apparently, though, didn’t sit well with at least one member of Trump’s audience Monday. Which is how this happened.

Real Clear Politics on Monday night had Trump as the clear front-runner at 30.7 percent heading into Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary. His nearest competitor is more than 16 points behind. But some wonder if Trump’s comment Monday would potentially change that dynamic in the final hours before the voters head out to vote.

Either way, it appears as if we’ve blasted through a new frontier in American politics, and the rest of the Republican field, especially Cruz, must feel like they’ve just been schlonged.

Photo via Michael Vadon/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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