Donald Trump Twitter Hillary Clinton Don Jr.

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Donald Trump blasts fake news on Twitter, says media is ‘distorting democracy’

The topic of Hillary Clinton also came up.


Josh Katzowitz


Despite the constant news stories last week that Donald Trump Jr. took a meeting with Russian representatives in order to get damaging information on Hillary Clinton, President Donald Trump has defended his son, calling him a “high-quality person.”

Early Sunday morning, the president took to his favorite outlet, Twitter, to vigorously counter the accusation that his son might have been colluding with a foreign state to harm Trump’s presidential election opponent and, going back to an old standby of his, to talk about Clinton’s missing emails.

Who’s Michael Caputo?

According to CBS News, Caputo worked for the U.S. government and lived in Russia in the 1990s, but by 2000, he returned to the U.S. while working in public relations for a Russian conglomerate, Gazprom, that was owned by the state.

“I’m not proud of the work today, but at the time, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin wasn’t such a bad guy,” Caputo told the Buffalo News last year.

As for how serious to take Trump’s latest Twitter rant? Considering Donald Trump Jr. was the one to release all of his incriminating emails minutes before the New York Times could do so—and, therefore, is the source—this is less a case of #fakenews and more a case of self-inflicted wounds.

The Daily Dot