House Republicans nominated President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Donald Trump rips CNN and Obama on Twitter, says he might play golf this weekend

He calls golf a good form of exercise.


Josh Katzowitz


Donald Trump ran the gamut on Twitter early Saturday morning, commenting on the 12 Russians who were indicted by Robert Mueller on Friday and who should be blamed, ripping CNN for failing to cover him saying the network is “fake news,” and mentioning that he might play a little golf this weekend.

Trump on Saturday morning apparently had plenty on his mind as he bounced from topic to topic.

Wrote Trump: “…Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

He blamed Barack Obama for the Russia hacking. “The stories you heard about the 12 Russians yesterday took place during the Obama Administration, not the Trump Administration,” Trump wrote. “Why didn’t they do something about it, especially when it was reported that President Obama was informed by the FBI in September, before the Election?”

The Obama administration tried to do something about it. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stopped Obama from making it public and refused to sign a “bipartisan statement of condemnation,” according to Joe Biden.

Trump also caused an uproar in the media on Friday, calling CNN’s Jim Acosta “fake news” and refusing to take a question from him during a press conference. Instead, he immediately called on Fox News, which Trump said was a “real network.”

Wrote Trump on Twitter: “So funny! I just checked out Fake News CNN, for the first time in a long time (they are dying in the ratings), to see if they covered my takedown yesterday of Jim Acosta (actually a nice guy). They didn’t! But they did say I already lost in my meeting with Putin. Fake News…… …. Remember, it was Little Jeff Z [Jeff Zucker] and his people, who are told exactly what to say, who said I could not win the election in that “there was no way to 270” (over & over again) in the Electoral College. I got 306! They were sooooo wrong in their election coverage. Still hurting!”

He also justified his constant need to play golf as simply a good form of exercise. And it sounds like he’s going to limber up and get his heart pumping on his weekend trip to his golf club in Scotland.

Unfortunately for the rest of the world, we still don’t know how Trump feels about the giant diapered Trump baby balloon that flew over London on Friday. He never tweeted anything about that.

The Daily Dot