devin nunes speaking at CPAC

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Devin Nunes’ lawsuit with Twitter over parody accounts inspires more parody accounts

This is why you never feed the trolls.


Alyse Stanley


In suing Twitter over allegedly defamatory accounts on Monday, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) has only fueled the trolls mocking him. Parody accounts are now spawning at a rapid rate, and one for his cow the lawsuit cited has skyrocketed in popularity.

The Twitter account @DevinNunesCow grew from roughly 1,000 followers to nearly 200,000 followers in a day. That’s so many moooore.

“#BeButter Devin,” the account’s author wrote on a retweet about the lawsuit. While Twitter’s user policy requires parody accounts to state as such in their bio. But cows don’t have pockets, so how could they carry a smartphone in the first place?

According to Fox News, in the complaint Nunes accused the online bovine for causing “extreme pain and suffering” by calling him a “treasonous cowpoke” and an “udder-ly worthless” criminal. The multi-million dollar lawsuit filed in Virginia earlier this week outlines an alleged anti-conservative plot by the platform to defame and censor members of the Republican party including himself.

The complaint also accuses a parody account pretending to be Nunes’ mother of hijacking his identity. Some of that account’s tweets included an image of Nunes and other politicians as a human centipede.

Unsurprisingly, the parody accounts have only multiplied since the lawsuit was filed.

There’s now a parody account of Nunes’ father to replace the aforementioned one for his mother that Twitter suspended. There’s also one for his farm, his pig, a mullet he previously sported, and his genitalia.

The representative’s lawsuit has demonstrated one of the golden rules of the internet: Don’t feed the trolls.


H/T McClatchy

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