bernie sanders

Michael Sayman/Twitter

Bernie Sanders buying food becomes conservative rallying cry

He’s pro-eating.


David Covucci


Last week, someone snapped a photograph of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) purchasing food at a grocery store in Vermont.

That should be the end of the story. Man running for president purchases sustenance. Some people thought it was funny he was buying soup. Soup!

BUT… Sanders supports Democratic Socialism, a form of government that conservatives like to associate with communism, even though the two are wildly different. Some communist countries have experienced food shortages. Most democratic socialist countries have not.

But don’t tell that to Ben Shapiro, who a week after the picture was snapped, popped it on his timeline with a nonsensical caption.

Per Shapiro’s caption, Bernie is saying that in the 1980s, he would prefer people eat and not starve to death. And today he is… purchasing food to eat.

The argument (if there is one; there probably isn’t) is something like, since Sanders didn’t have to wait in line for his food—which the economic system he supports doesn’t force people to do—he should… starve?

No one is particularly sure what is going on here, and no one is mad—save for Shapiro—that Bernie gets to eat. But the fact that it makes no sense makes it an excellent opportunity for a roast (which, thanks to Ben here, we can have without any food at all!).

Sanders’ current policy section of his 2020 campaign site doesn’t take a stance on whether people should eat, but since he came out in favor of it 30 years ago, and is still alive himself, we’re guessing he still supports the idea.


The Daily Dot