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Bernie Sanders’ website full of 404s on launch day

You won’t be learning about the issues on


David Covucci


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday launched his much-anticipated bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination. Perhaps more than any candidate in the crowded field, Sanders will run an issues-based campaign—though it’s tough to elaborate much on those issues when your website is busted.

His launch video highlighted how in just a couple years, the policies he’s espoused have become mainstream among liberals. Medicare for all, free college tuition, the Green New Deal, income inequality all received shout-outs in his launch video.

But head to to read about his signature policies, and you’ll be hit by 404s.

Medicare for all

bernie sanders issues 404

Free college tuition

bernie sanders issues 404

Climate change

bernie sanders issues 404

Income inequality

bernie sanders issues 404

It’s likely the campaign took down all these pages in advance of Sanders’ announcement, and will put them back online once they are revamped for his 2020 push.

Sanders also isn’t alone. The sites for other candidates already in the race as devoid of issues as well. Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker, and Amy Klobuchar all neglect the policy part of their campaign sites.

Of the major candidates right now, only Elizabeth Warren has an issues page up and running.

The Daily Dot