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Anonymous warns Donald Trump, attacks his website

This isn’t the first time Anonymous has targeted Trump.


Josh Katzowitz


While Anonymous has focused much of its attention lately on the Islamic State after the Paris attacks, the hacktivist group now reportedly is keeping at least one eye on what Donald Trump is saying.

And since the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination has proposed banning all Muslims from entering the U.S., Anonymous has shown him its displeasure.

As reported by the International Business Times, the OpTrump hacking campaign began on Wednesday night, as Anonymous crashed Trump’s website,, by hitting it with a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

Trump’s site is back online, but the IB Times reported that it was down for several hours. Anonymous also released the following video in which a masked member of the group said, “The more Muslims feel sad, the more ISIS feels that they can recruit them. The more the United States appears to be targeting Muslims, not just radical Muslims, you can be sure that ISIS will be putting that on their social media campaign. Donald Trump, think twice before you speak anything. You have been warned.”

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But the declared war on Trump is likely not finished.

This isn’t the first time Anonymous has targeted Trump. In August, the group broke into in order to leave a message to Jon Stewart as he was about to leave The Daily Show. As we await the group’s next move, they’ve already announced that Friday will be a day to troll ISIS.

Illustration via raincoaster/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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