Andrew Cuomo holds dog

Mike Groll/AP/Shutterstock (Licensed)

‘Disgusting human’: People are pissed after Andrew Cuomo reportedly tried to get rid of his dog

‘Cuomo abandoning the only likable thing about his character.’


David Covucci


They say you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals and the elderly. Despite a public that adored him early on in the pandemic, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) forced nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients, a decision that potentially killed thousands.

While that would be enough to cast Cuomo as a cold, heartless monster—to say nothing of the sexual harassment scandal that led to him resigning as governor of New York effective Tuesday—he has apparently shown his true colors by abandoning his own dog as he departs.

According to a report by the Albany Times-Union, Cuomo was asking his staffers if someone would be willing to take his dog, Captain. Cuomo has apparently been staying at a family member’s house but left Captain behind.

The report says Cuomo was looking for people to pawn the dog off to, which the paper described as high-strong, as he left Albany.

It was a report that was viciously denied by Cuomo’s team.

“Captain is part of the governor’s family and for your nameless ill-informed source to imply they’ve been trying to give him away is untrue,” spokesperson Richard Azzopardi said in a statement Saturday. “Someone offered to watch him for a few days while the transition was ongoing but for that to be weaponized and morph from a game of telephone into the pages of your paper is absurd.”

Either way, Cuomo left his house, with no plans to return and did not bring Captain with him. And people of Twitter, who have long taken a skeptical attitude toward the governor, willingly believed he would ditch a dog.

While it’s possible Cuomo reappears with the dog soon and they live happily ever at a house in Westchester, it’s a safe bet we never see him with Captain again.

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