Donald Trump and Adam Schiff

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Trump blasts Schiff after he accuses White House of helping with memo

The president has a new enemy.


David Covucci


President Donald Trump called the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, (D-Calif.) ”little’ on Twitter this morning after Schiff alleged that the White House possibly collaborated with Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) on his now public FISA memo.

Trump’s tweet—accusing pretty much the entire previous administration’s intelligence leaders of a crime—comes after Schiff said on Sunday that it was “very possible” that Nunes worked with the White House to compile the FISA memo that accuses the intelligence community of having an anti-Trump basis and using false documents to obtain a warrant to surveilling a former Trump campaign official.

“I think it’s very possible his staff worked with the White House and coordinated the whole effort with the White House because it looks so much like this earlier effort, which we know was coordinated with the White House by the same chairman, who had said he would recuse himself but of course hasn’t,” Schiff said on ABC’s This Week. 

Schiff is making reference to an earlier episode, where Trump accused former President Barack Obama of having his wires at Trump Tower tapped. A few days after, Nunes rushed to the White House to see classified documents that purportedly proved Trump’s claim.

After Nunes went to the White House, Democrats demanded Nunes recuse himself from his committee’s investigation into Russian meddling. Nunes did and the Ethics Committee investigated him for possibly leaking classified information.

Nunes was cleared in the investigation and resumed working on the Russia investigation.

After bashing Schiff this morning, Trump later called Nunes a “Great American Hero” for his work on the memo.

If the White House did work with Nunes to produce a memo vindicating Trump, Schiff said it “could be evidence of the president’s intent to interfere with the investigation.”

H/T the Hill

This story has been updated. 

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