“Masterposts” have been a very popular trend on Tumblr for some months. Now, masterposts.tumblr.com allows its followers to access almost every masterpost online.
A masterpost is a complete compilation of download or streaming links for some form of media. Usually the collection is a TV series or actor’s filmography, but sometimes the masterpost will be a collection of a certain genre, such as Hollywood musicals or horror films. Soundtracks or discographies are also included, but not as frequently.
Masterposts.tumblr.com is an archive for these compilations. Just about anything you could want to watch can be found there. If there are fans of it, chances are there will be a masterpost for it.
This archive is particularly useful for shows or films that are not very well known, and hard to find on Netflix, Hulu, or on DVD.
Photo from masterposts.tumblr.com