
Sean Spicer laments White House press, says they want to be ‘YouTube stars’

Spicer gives his hot take on the state of journalism.

Photo of Andrew Wyrich

Andrew Wyrich

Sean Spicer

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer gave a hot take on the state of journalism this week, saying that reporters covering the Trump administration want to become “YouTube stars.”

Spicer made the comments during an appearance on the right-wing Laura Ingraham Show.

“I think the mainstream media, that’s has had a stranglehold on which information the American people got to see, in some ways, are upset that more people, more voices, are getting an opportunity to get involved in having their questions answered,” he said, later adding that there are “a lot” of reporters who “want to become YouTube stars.”

Spicer continued: “There is a bit of snarkiness now with the press, because, again, a lot of them are more focused about getting their clip on air than they are of actually taking the time to understand an issue.”

Spicer’s critical comments come as journalists have argued that there has been less transparency coming from President Donald Trump’s administration as his team has become embroiled in the growing probes into Russian interference in the election and possible ties with his presidential campaign.

On Tuesday, Spicer had the White House’s first on-camera press briefing in eight days.

Spicer’s job as the main public face of the Trump administration has come into question recently.

Trump has reportedly considered reshuffling his press team, including moving Spicer into a different role within the administration. Various sources said Spicer has already been reaching out to candidates to become his successor.

The Daily Dot